10 days to go till Mindful in May begins!


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Get ready to meditate for a great cause!

There’s only 10 days left to join the global mindful community and learn how to bring meditation into your daily life creating more focus, clarity and calm.

The meditation challenge starts on May the 1st.

We have already collectively raised over $16,000 to support CharityWater.org in building water infrastructure in RWANDA.

What an incredible effort so far. Thank you for your donations and fundraising so far! 

Our first milestone of $15,000 has been reached which is halfway to the entire cost of a water proeject, which costs ~ $35,000 to construct.

We would love to help Rwanda with TWO water projects…that would be just over $60,000. Is it possible? Spread the word!

Charity Water has emailed us with this information about the Water Projects Mindful in May will be funding…..

In Rwanda a tap stand costs about $15000 and this is the point where we’ll be offering physical recognition. We invest in about 7 different technologies and they are all dependent on the overall terrain and elevation of the country and region that we’re working in. Rwanda is sometimes referred to as ‘the land of 1,000 hills,’ and building a well wouldn’t be the most effective solution as the community members would still need to walk all the way down these hills to pump water from a well and then carry 40lb Jerry cans back up to their homes. So, instead we’re build large-scale, gravity fed tap stands — these projects are complex and thus more expensive. Each tap system will protect clean water at its source. They’ll use a combination of electric pumps and gravity to move the water through a network of pipes to the villages, clinics, and schools that need it.
But the solution doesn’t stop at the tap. To ensure that water continues to flow long after we’re gone, these systems will be built and managed through an innovative public-private partnership. For each water system we fund, the district government will contract with an operator to run the system’s maintenance, administration, and finance as a private business. The operator, in turn, will hire and train a team of technicians to care for his investment. Equipped with bicycles or motorcycles, cell phones and tools, they’ll keep the operator in constant contact with the communities his system will serve.
For their part, communities will participate in the actual construction of the projects. They’ll elect Water Committees to oversee the finished taps and appoint the final players in the system–water sellers. Selling water can be a prestigious role, but it also carries a lot of responsibility. A tap stand must have reliable flow and dependable hours. The filling process must be orderly. Careful records must be kept of each family’s water consumption so that every drop is accounted for, and no one is overcharged. The fee a seller collects will cover operating costs, but as long as taps are working and prices are fair, it can also provide her with a reliable income. If taps break or prices rise too steeply, people will return to collecting water from dirty rivers and the seller’s income will dry up. Everyone has an interest in making sure that never happens.

If you wanna help spread the word here are 4 things you can do:

1. Download this flyer (right click and save as) and share it on your Facebook Page

Mindful In May flyer









2. Copy and paste the tweets below into your Twitter or Facebook account, schedule them with Hootsuite if you like, and help spread the word!

3. Create your own Mindful in May team by registering now and invite your friends to join you.

4. If you’re friends with Richard Branson…tell him to sign up!  



"If we wish to be healthy, happy and clear-minded, we need to upgrade our “inner technology”of attention to meet the demands of our increasingly complex world. That's where mindfulness comes in.."




Elise Bialylew is the author of the bestselling book, The Happiness Plan, and founder of Mindful in May, the world’s largest online global mindfulness fundraising campaign.

A doctor trained in psychiatry, turned social entrepreneur and mindfulness expert, she’s passionate about supporting individuals and organisations to develop inner tools for greater wellbeing and flourishing, and offers workshops and training at The Mind Life Project.

Her work has been featured in the Huffington Post, New York Times and on Australian Television. She was recently recognised by the Australian Financial Review as a 2019 AFR Women of Influence.

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