
Elise meditating with the future AI in the background

Mindful Musings: What does horse poo have to do with a thriving future?

August 1, 2023
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In the Mindful Musings series, Dr. Elise Bialylew poses thought-provoking and introspective questions about the realm of Artificial Intelligence. Prepare to embark on a journey of deep contemplation. Recently I sat working in a local cafe and overheard two 80+  year old frail looking women, talking about A.I.   One lady with an eye patch…

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Mindful Musings: A.I. – should we be scared?

July 15, 2023
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In the Mindful Musings series, Dr. Elise Bialylew poses thought-provoking and introspective questions about the realm of Artificial Intelligence. Prepare to embark on a journey of deep contemplation.   Since the beginning of time humans have been wary of technological innovation. When cars were replacing horse drawn carriages, critics of the new technology were concerned…

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Mindful Musings: What I’m loving, artificial intelligence and more..

June 19, 2023
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In the Mindful Musings series, Dr Elise Bialylew reflects upon what she is loving, artificial intelligence and more..    The recent explosion of artificial intelligence has grabbed my attention and pulled me into a deep exploration.   Alongside learning how to be more present in my everyday life, I think a lot about how this…

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5 steps to #instameditate: meditation, creativity & community

February 27, 2013
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#instameditate is a creative and mindful way of using Instagram to connect with a community of people who value self-expression, mindful living, technology, and community. It slows Instagram down and creates a mindful trigger to remind you to tune in to your senses and take in the moment. Ready to get started? Take these 5…

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Where technology meets mindfulness: Wisdom 2.0

February 20, 2013
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My fascination with human beings led me to pursue a career in psychiatry. At medical school, I remember holding the brain of a cadaver in my hands and wondering how the multitude of human emotion and thought could be contained within a kilogram of white and grey matter. Recently, I was reminded of this while…

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