
What is the best meditation for anxiety: Woman in brown dress holds her face in her hands

Dear Elise: What is the best meditation for anxiety?

April 15, 2020
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In the Dear Elise series, Dr Elise Bialylew answers your questions about mindful meditation and neurology. Got your own question about meditation? Send your questions to Elise here. A question about anxiety and meditation: Dear Elise, My question is around anxiety. I’m newer to meditation and I suffer anxiety. Does regular meditation improve anxiety? What…

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Maintaining a meditation habit

Five tips for creating a meditation habit that lasts

February 21, 2020
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The benefits of mindfulness are so widely known now that most of us know we should be doing it regularly, but no matter how much we want the benefits, keeping a habit can be hard. Who doesn’t want to feel less stressed, less angry, and more emotionally balanced? And in case you’re not already convinced,…

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4 ways to practice mindful motherhood

Four ways mindfulness can help you manage the emotional roller coaster ride of motherhood

February 5, 2019
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Motherhood is an exhilarating spiritual journey of epic proportions where each day we are faced with the privilege of witnessing our most creative project flourish. That’s on a good day. On a bad day, it’s an exhausting, frustrating ride where we are tested beyond our limits through sleep deprivation, mastitis, stress, relationship tension, and self-doubt.…

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Expert tips on mindfulness meditation: A woman sits in lotus position meditating

Five expert tips on mindfulness meditation

February 5, 2019
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Mindfulness meditation has existed for over 2,500 years. However, over the past few years, its popularity has exploded among people curious to know more about the practice and its benefits. As a mindfulness meditation teacher and doctor, I created a global campaign, Mindful in May, six years ago. I hoped to teach people mindfulness exercises…

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4 ways mindfulness enhances happiness: A laughing woman stands between two hedges as confetti is thrown at her.

Four ways mindfulness enhances your happiness

February 5, 2019
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“It is the mind that translates good and bad circumstances into happiness or misery. So happiness comes with the purging of mental toxins, such as hatred, compulsive desire, arrogance and jealousy, which literally poison the mind. It also requires that one cease to distort reality and that one cultivate wisdom.” Matthieu Ricard Mindfulness is an effective…

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how to mindfully manage a tantrum: Mother in a field holds her baby and some balloons

How to Mindfully Manage a Tantrum

February 5, 2019
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Motherhood is an exhilarating spiritual journey of epic proportions where each day we are faced with the privilege of witnessing our most creative project flourish. That’s on a good day. On a bad day, it’s an exhausting, frustrating ride where we are tested beyond our limits through sleep deprivation, tantrums, mastitis, stress, relationship tension, and…

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mindfulness for social media addiction

Overcome your social media addiction with mindfulness

February 5, 2019
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Have you ever found yourself up late at night scrolling through Facebook when you were meant to be going to sleep? You’re not alone. Social media addiction is becoming an increasing problem. As technology develops exponentially, at the click of a button we can access an infinite amount of information. With this privilege comes the…

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World Water Day + A FREE mindfulness week!

March 19, 2018
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 If the United Nations gave you a chance to vote for your special “international-day-of [fill in the blank]” what cause or passion would you choose to bring to people’s attention? Working out what we most value sometimes only happens when we lose it, or when we witness how little others in the world have.…

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A returning MiMster – Surviving to Thriving using Mindfulness Meditation

April 25, 2015
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I hate to get all cliched, but life really is a roller coaster. One minute you’re steadily climbing that rail and the next you’re flying face-first down a slope.  There are corkscrews and loop the loops and sometimes you really need to just be strapped in. I’ve been on a bit of hairy roller coaster ride…

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5 ways to transform agitation into calm with mindfulness

5 ways to transform agitation into calm with mindfulness

January 19, 2015
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“You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.” ~ Indira Gandhi The agitation of  “busy” can be felt in the body – if you stop and tune in. Without tuning in it is an underlying force that propels you through the day with a sense of breathlessness, rush…

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