
What is the best meditation for anxiety: Woman in brown dress holds her face in her hands

Dear Elise: What is the best meditation for anxiety?

April 15, 2020
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In the Dear Elise series, Dr Elise Bialylew answers your questions about mindful meditation and neurology. Got your own question about meditation? Send your questions to Elise here. A question about anxiety and meditation: Dear Elise, My question is around anxiety. I’m newer to meditation and I suffer anxiety. Does regular meditation improve anxiety? What…

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Maintaining a meditation habit

Five tips for creating a meditation habit that lasts

February 21, 2020
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The benefits of mindfulness are so widely known now that most of us know we should be doing it regularly, but no matter how much we want the benefits, keeping a habit can be hard. Who doesn’t want to feel less stressed, less angry, and more emotionally balanced? And in case you’re not already convinced,…

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A lesson on being supported by others

February 19, 2019
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When you want to begin a new habit, it’s easy to be really inspired for the first week or two, but fall off track once the novelty wears off. If you notice this happening, bring it up with the community. It’s entirely normal to encounter enthusiasm dips, so please don’t be ashamed if you need…

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scientific benefits of mindfulness meditation

Five scientific benefits of mindfulness meditation

February 5, 2019
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As a doctor working in mental health for 10 years, I’m all too familiar with the scientific benefits of mindfulness meditation. Not only have they transformed my own life and health, but also helped my clients flourish. The research I discovered compelled me to teach strategies for enhancing wellbeing and happiness. I created Mindful in…

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meditating for health: A woman sits on a cliff overlooking the sunset

Shannon Harvey on meditating for health

April 13, 2015
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By Shannon Harvey   I was 24 years old and I’d just landed my dream job in journalism when I diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Although my doctors meant well, they couldn’t offer me a cause or a cure. There was one thing I did know – when I was stressed, I was worse. Faced…

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Mindfulness techniques to calm down your day

March 17, 2014
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Mindfulness is the new black. It is an effective mental technique, borrowed from the two thousand year old Buddhist contemplative practice and adapted to suit non-religious contexts, including board rooms, corporations, hospitals, schools and sports teams.  Mindfulness supports the capacity to stay focussed on what you are doing as you are doing it, a powerful…

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