HPGE 2019

Guided Meditation with Elise

March 20, 2019
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Tonight we meet to celebrate our collective efforts at happiness, and celebrate International Happiness Day! The guided meditation with Elise, will be live streamed on the Facebook group here and on instagram here so make sure you’re in there. All welcome!

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Week Four Complete

March 17, 2019
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You’ve made it through four weeks of meditating! Whatever form the last four weeks have taken for you is totally fine. Given that you’re still here with us, reading these emails, means that you have – in a significant way – remained dedicated to yourself. Please take the time to offer gratitude towards yourself for your…

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Welcome to The Happiness Plan Week Four

March 11, 2019
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We are in week four of The Happiness Plan! We’re practising the loving-kindness meditation this week which helps you develop a stronger sense of connection towards everyone around you. Inside this deepened compassion, you’ll discover your relationships becoming easier to navigate. While we are going to be publishing a short version of this for you…

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Week Three Complete

March 10, 2019
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You’ve made it through your third week! How did you go? Did you manage to meditate every day? What was the most common obstacle that came up for you this week? Let us know by sharing your reflections on Instagram or in the Facebook group. Mindfulness is all about remaining open to whatever it is that arises –…

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Welcome to Week Three

March 4, 2019
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Welcome to week three of #thehappinessplan. We are at the halfway point now! We’d like you to remember that the power of mindfulness is in developing a steady and ongoing practice. Even just 10 minutes a day is better than one longer session only once a week. So be sure to try to clear this…

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Week Two Complete

March 3, 2019
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You’ve made it through your second week! How did you go? Did you manage to meditate every day? We hope that mindfulness is starting to become more integrated in your day to day and that you’re beginning to create a happy balance between being and doing. But if you’re not yet feeling any results, do…

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Welcome to Week Two of #thehappinessplan

February 27, 2019
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This week in #thehappinessplan, we are using the breath as a tool. The breath is an exceptional mindfulness tool because you always carry it with you!  You can find this week’s guided meditation here.  The idea of using the same meditation every day is to help you get really familiar. Eventually, you’ll be able to do…

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Week One Complete

February 27, 2019
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You’ve made it through your first week! How did you go? Did you manage to meditate every day? Chances are, there have been moments during the week that have caused you to struggle. Perhaps you’ve felt so busy that you couldn’t keep up the practice; perhaps you fell asleep when you tried; perhaps the week completely…

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The Happiness Plan Group Experience: Day One

February 27, 2019
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Welcome to #thehappinessplan group experience! For the next month, we’re going to be walking you through daily practices online. Each practice is taken from The Happiness Plan mindfulness guidebook. (If you want to get the most out of this next month, you can purchase the book here or here.) If you don’t have the book, all you…

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Welcome to the Happiness Plan Group Experience

February 15, 2019
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We’re so excited to be starting the one-month Happiness Plan Group Experience! Get ready to start meditating tomorrow. The event is fully digital, so you can do it from anywhere; all of our meditation prompts will be posted to Instagram at 7 a.m. each day, so be sure to follow here – and why not tag a…

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