Mindful in May community reflections… Here are thoughtful reflections from the MIM COMMUNITY – remember to share yours and go into the draw to win great prizes! Details here. Some new Mindful In May community reflections from our final week: Veronica O’Brien, Carly Owen, and Ben D. share their MIM reflections: “It really connects me…
Read More1. Do you meditate if yes what value has practising meditation brought to your life? Yes, I meditate twice daily; morning and afternoon. Meditation creates space & clarity in my increasingly busy lifestyle. 2. What is one life lesson you’ve learned that you could share with us? Patience is a life lesson which is invaluable.…
Read MoreBOOKS: The Brain That Changes Itself – Dr Norman Doidge Mindsight – Dr Daniel Siegel Pema Chodron- Start where you are A New Earth – Ekhart Tolle The Power of Now – Ekhart Tolle Wherever You Go There You Are – Jon Kabat-Zinn Coming To Our Senses – Jon Kabat-Zinn Miracle of Mindfulness – Thich Nat…
Read MoreSpirit Day and night there is movement of foam on the Sea. You see the foam, but not the Sea. Amazing! We are dashing against each other like boats: our eyes are darkened though we are in clear water. O you who have gone to sleep in the body’s boat, you’ve seen the water, but…
Read More1. What is something new you have discovered about mindfulness meditation or being mindful since starting MIM? The Loving Kindness meditation is new to me and I am really enjoying it. It really connects me to a warmth and love for others that I can feel flows in me after the meditation and hopefully the energy is…
Read MoreEvery year, I invite people to participate in Mindful In May reflections, so I thought it would be good to do the same. I sit here, in the midst of the Mindful in May campaign and feel a deep sense of energy, purpose and appreciation. It brings to mind a quote…. “We make a living…
Read MoreMindful in May Community reflections… Here are thoughtful reflections from the MIM COMMUNITY. Remember, you can share your own and go into the draw to win great prizes – details here. Some new MIM reflections from our final week of MIM: Veronica O’Brien, Carly Owen, and Ben D. share their MIM reflections: “It really connects me…
Read MoreI was first introduced to the concept of mindfulness through the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Seventeen years old at the time, I thought I knew it all. I foolishly believed this would be an easily achievable feat. Seventeen years later through my on & off meditation practice, I now realize that creating…
Read MoreThe tiniest Mimster My meditation practice began last year when a counselor suggested it’d be a good way of dealing with the anxiety that I was experiencing following two miscarriages. I joined the first Mindful in May campaign and attended the launch event, taking part in various group meditations. Afterwards I was struck by…
Read MoreApart from the opportunity to benefit personally from practising mindfulness, collectively we have had a profound impact on the lives of people who struggle daily to access clean drinking water. Your generosity is deeply inspiring. One in six people in the world, don’t have this “luxury” of clean, safe drinking water and four thousand children die each day because…
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