
Tips to help deal with exhaustion

February 18, 2022
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Exhausted anyone? Glad I’m not the only one. We’ve all been operating on fight or flight for nearly two years.  The rollercoaster continues.  Things are on the up but we’ve got some rest and restoration to catch up on (don’t you agree?).  If you’re feeling a little fragile, a little exhausted and a little “when-can-life-return-to-a-little-more-normal-and-predictable”……

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strong minds challenge

Protected: Beyond the Strong Minds Challenge: What’s Next?

January 5, 2020
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Protected: Day 5

January 5, 2020
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young shopkeeper practicing strong minds meditation

Protected: The Strong Minds Challenge: Day 4

January 4, 2020
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Protected: The Strong Minds Challenge Day 3

January 3, 2020
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Strong Minds: girl by the water

Protected: The Strong Minds Challenge: Day 2

January 2, 2020
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strong minds

Protected: The 5-Day Strong Minds Challenge: Day 1

January 1, 2020
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Challenge Day #5

April 11, 2019
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Congratulations! You made it to the end of the 5 days to mindfulness program. If you missed out wonderful live guided meditation last night you can find it on the recap page here alongside all the rest of the content from the past 5 days. I hope you’ve found it beneficial. Here are the two interviews…

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Mindfulness Challenge Day #4

April 10, 2019
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Welcome to Day 4 of the 5 Days to Mindfulness challenge! Meditation didn’t initially come easily for me. One of the biggest challenges I had was dealing with boredom and restlessness. As a driven and ambitious person, I sometimes felt that meditating was a waste of time, and wondered if anything was actually happening. Happily,…

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5 Days to Mindfulness Challenge Day #3

April 9, 2019
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Welcome to Day 3 of the 5 Days To Mindfulness challenge! Did you get a chance to watch the interview with Kelly McGonical yesterday? It’s packed with really fascinating teaching that you don’t want to miss! Here’s the second part of my interview with Kelly McGonical – I’d love to hear your biggest takeaway in the Facebook group.…

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